No God!
And if we did believe in a God, it would be a Goddess of course!
Your first reaction might be to ask why don’t we believe in God, but I would throw the question back at you and ask why would I?
You see, on our planet (this is Nazakat writing not Mother Superior) we take it as given that somehow it’s normal to believe that God exists. Even if you don’t believe in God, you accept the right to believe in God and accept that it’s completely normal to believe in God. We do not follow that line of thinking.
There is absolutely no evidence that God exists; therefore, it makes no sense to believe he exists. Even though we are very sympathetic to the idea that there might well be a prime designer of our universe, we can’t definitively prove it and we certainly can’t start jumping to conclusions about who that designer is based on some book written a few thousand years ago, by a man, for men, about a male God who you better start worshipping or you will be punished for eternity in a lake of fire.
Maybe you answer that there’s no proof, but you have faith. Unfortunately, though, you can’t have your cake and eat it. If a local child was killed and the local prosecutor accused you of the murder and you asked him for the evidence, he had none but that didn’t matter because he had faith that you did it, would you find that acceptable? Would you give him a free pass, shrug your shoulders and go, “Okay, no evidence but you have faith, fine”?
You can’t live part of your life following the rules of common sense and then suddenly when it comes to the biggest questions of all decide to throw away all the rules and just believe what you want. Because let’s face it, faith is simply a vehicle to believe what you want. It’s an intellectual free pass.
More worryingly, when you give yourself that free pass on one issue, then it can spread to others. Instead of rigorously analyzing who you vote for or whether a new story is true, you just say, “I know it’s true. I know I can vote for him or her because I just know that they’re better.” You start believing in angels, you start believing in conspiracies, you start to believe in whatever you want. That is not the way forward for a civilized society. You believe in what’s real, not what your little fantasies or passions or hatreds tell you.
So no, we don’t believe in God. If God reveals himself or herself or itself one day, then we will believe. Until then, absolutely not.
Of course, this will lead you to ask what kind of religion can we have without a god, but that will have to be another blog post.